Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Little inconveniences are HUGE

Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be getting a transfusion before the weekend so hopefully I will feel tons better for my last few days before surgery. The timing just stinks, as with most things with my UC. I should have got it done today, but because the hospital sat on the order I got my type and cross done today, and tomorrow I get transfused. Which also happens to coincide with my daughter's field day at school that I really wanted to go to. =(
Just one of those disappointing moments caused by UC. And now the hospital called. Blood is ready for me TOMORROW. Come on!!!!!
So I'll go first thing tomorrow. I better bring something to occupy my hours!
On a different note, I got my grades today!!! Final grades were A, B, and a C. A bit disappointed with the C in Biology but it was such a tough course, I'll take it and run! I am just so proud of myself that I made it through a pretty tough semester with my UC flaring nonstop and also having had pneumonia from February to April! I'm a fighter. Some how, some way I'll get it done.
My Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America walk is Saturday as well. Apparently, my goal is to run my ass into the ground. Want to know what's sad. I rarely ask for donations or anything of the sort, but this hits home for me(obviously). I sent out donation requests to people I have sponsored in the past, as well as family. It quickly became very disappointing. I had strangers donate to my walk, but family members and people who I have donated to in the past couldn't bother with $10. STRANGERS donated! Very eye opening. I hurt my feelings. Truly.  I'll just put things like that in my back pocket for later. Ridiculous.

I swear my colon knows it's days are numbered. IT KNOWS!!!! I have been in so much pain for the last few weeks and the last few days just cramped and sick all hours of the day and night. It's giving me one last F you before it gets dumped in the biohazard bin. These last few weeks have been rough. I can't wait to have a pain free day. It's been so long I can't remember.

Here are me and my girls and our fish faces. The baby was not cooperating and she usually does a much better job!

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