Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Can you be present with pain?

Hello hello internet world. I have not disappeared. I don't know what's been up with me the last few weeks. Just feeling uninspired about myself in general. Bummed out. Slightly depressed. It's frustrating. Trying to get my act together and fight through daily pain and still be PRESENT. It's tough. Pain makes me disengage. Check out. Or I get in a funk where I'm beating myself up mentally. Feeling bad about myself. I can be a hardcore Debbie Downer when I want to be. I'm going to be 36 in September. I am really down about the fact that I feel so unaccomplished the last few years. Where the hell did the time go? It goes in a flash, especially when you are chronically sick or in pain. You have nothing to show for it. It feels like I laid in bed,  or was in hospitals for the majority of the time and wasting a perfectly good life. This was not my plan. Planning is such a joke. This summer is half over already and I feel like it's disappeared. As I wrote about last post, I've been a big fail. I was starting to feel a little better but now it's just back to being crap.
I'm not working anymore. My surgeon kept extending my leave and I'll be having some other procedures soon that will require recovery and all that time just made me unreliable and a let down. It wasn't fair to my boss to just be in limbo about my status. She was so wonderful and understanding. I felt so disappointing. I still do. Many, many days I went into work in a lot of pain, struggling to get through a 5 hour shift. In the short time I worked there I went home early a couple times, and had to call in a couple. Very frustrating. Just another example of my body completely failing me. It is not something I can get used to. The thing is, it's not that I can't do something, it's the level of pain I fight while doing it, or the time to recover afterward. That's what knocks me out emotionally. It's just not fair.
My little girl turned 2 last week. She is a handful. Everyday I think I will get past this and to a better place before she gets to a point where she starts remembering. I'm tired of being lame mom. I never was. It's really hard to wrap my brain around it. Like I said- being more present. Fighting yourself to try to be that way. Many days I find distractions to waste time so I'm not focused on hurting or what I CAN'T do.
I was thinking the other day about things I used to do. I used to write. Poems, short stories... I wrote tons of them. I wonder why I stopped? That makes me a little sad. Somewhere along the line of having kids and getting sick I've lost all these little parts of me. Sometimes you don't notice until it's been years and you lost a bunch of them. I think reconnecting with 'me' would be a big help. I don't really go out of my way for time or activities for myself very often. Out with a friend occasionally. Out with Mat almost never unless we have random family in town to watch the kids. I stopped working out a million years ago because I was a sickly mess. Traveling on hold. I don't even really shop anymore! I know, right!! No shopping?? It's a crazy world, living like this. You feel great one day so you over do it and then pay for 3 days after. My semester starts soon and I just hope it won't be too much. I just want to finish and move on.... but then in the back of my head I think, "Well at this rate would I be able to work when I'm done?". Am I back in school for nothing because this shitty disease is going to sideline me forever? I would hope not, but imagine just not knowing? It sucks, big time. See- Debbie Downer. Piss, piss, pisser. I used to LOVE life. I was all in. Where did it stop? I hate that. I don't like myself much right now.
On a positive front, I don't have dysplasia. The wonderful pathologist made a typo. Yeah. Jackass. A TYPO. Thanks for that two weeks of stress, biatch. It was awesome.
Ok.. now that I've bummed everyone out big time and ruined your night, I will end. Sorry I was not entertaining and was so crappy. I'm just so blah about myself. I need something to shift and soon. As always, thanks for reading. I promise- more smiles next time!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Guilt. So much guilt comes with being chronically sick and in pain. This is the summer of #sickmomfail. Last summer I was recovering from surgery. This summer was supposed to be my "all in" summer. Nope. In pain. Stoned on pain meds. Laying on my bed playing word games on my phone. I can't imagine being sick like this prior to the digital age. I would have gone nuts. Daughter #1 loves to just GO... and I'm in park. As in parked on my sore ass. I feel like my chronic lameness makes her sad. I know she gets so disappointed. I hate it. I hate not being me. I feel trapped in a body that is defying me. I'm not eating much. I feel lethargic from meds. But let me back up a minute.
I left off needing to see my surgeon about my biopsy and scope results.  So I went last Wednesday and naturally there couldn't be good news. The basic rundown is as follows: I have Pouchitis in my JPouch. I have inflammation and ulceration of the 1cm that's left of my rectum, called the rectal cuff. So it's Cuffitis. My fistula that was opened is still healing and open and painful. And the cherry on top is that I have dysplasia somewhere up in there. By the time he got to that I was upset and didn't get the specifics of where. For those who don't know, dysplasia is abnormal cell growth. Often it is precancerous in nature so the area needs to be taken care of so it doesn't progress to cancer. For those that haven't been reading my blog, I had advanced cervical dysplasia over about 50% of my cervix in 2011 and had to have the area scraped away to prevent it from manifesting into cancer. So now I'm dealing with it somewhere else. Seriously..I have zero shame and modesty left. This must be how porn stars feel... nothing left to hide. So, now my surgeon wants to confer with some super specialist and double check the labs and maybe re-scope me and take new biopsies. HOW FUN!!! WoooooHoooooo! What a fan-fucking-tastic summer so far.
So, now I'm back on a steroid three times a day. This time Entocort. So far I don't notice much change other than the night sweats and being on edge 24/7. I'm used to being on Prednisone which kicks in fast so I know I'm being impatient. I'm also using a nightly suppository which is just a regular party in my ass. Yeah--- so painful, open wound ass and I need to put that through that. It SUCKS. Big time. It's hard too. Like plastic. So all you "I do anal stuff for sexy fun" people are OUT OF YOUR DAMN MINDS. Holy shit. Never.
I'm also still taking Norco for pain and Flagyl for the pouchitis. So, that's my day. Pill popping. Barely eating because it's just not worth it right now. It is truly a big struggle to pull myself together and be normal. I'm not succeeding. I feel useless. I am sad. I hate disappointing my kids. Lots of movies with Daughter #1. I feel so guilty not being 100%. I would love to run around. Can't swim because of the fistula healing. Can't ride bikes. Hurts to move a whole lot. Hurts to sit. The pain pills that normally knock me out at night are now fighting against the steroid induced night sweats. That's a lot of fun. :-/
My big outings have been a swim meet, fireworks on the 4th and the drive in movie. The last two I was parked in the back of Hub's truck trying to stay comfortable. Not an easy thing to do. So yeah. It's been tough. I need to find out where we go from here. I will have to be scoped again and they will need to surgically remove all the precancer cells and then monitor me. For now just trying to get rid of the pouchitis and treat the cuffitis that is causing me pain and issues. And I'm starving. I love food and this sucks. I had some rice yesterday and some marshmallows. I think that's it. But I had made a tomato cream sauce the night before and ate it and was in MISERY all that night into yesterday so that makes me pull back on eating. I knew acidic tomato would be bad, but I just wanted to EAT! It's really hard to cook and NOT eat what you made. It was yummy but it made me want to die for 6-12 hours later. NOT WORTH IT! But I'll do it again. It's hard just not eating what you like. Or cooking one thing and knowing you are eating something lame. It erases any motivation to make something. So at 4pm when I have no dinner plan, it sucks. I know all IBDers struggle with this. We just want something real and want what we want. If we feel ok we push the envelope and we suffer. I'm no exception. My diet is crap. Many fruits are bad. Most vegetables. I could live on potato chips and junk and be fine. One helping of something healthy and I'm in misery. I never thought I'd miss salad so much. And broccoli. It's ridiculous.
Enjoy your day everyone. Run and play with your kids. Or without your kids. Take advantage of being able to just 'Do'. When you can't it royally sucks.