Tuesday, May 21, 2013

happy colonlessiversary...or something.

One year. About the same exact time I sit here typing I was waking up from anesthesia. It seems nearly dreamlike, but I can say it was the most intense pain I have ever experienced. There are no words to explain it. Naturally they wake you up, you feel pain and then they get you going with the good meds. But in the time they moved me from a gurney to my bed, I thought I was dying. Hubs said I made animal sounds. Just primal, hurting sounds. I remember them telling me to roll and shift so they could move me. I remember just crying and saying I couldn't. I had just been cut open from above my belly button to my pelvic bone. My guts were separated from the surrounding organs and tissue. He pulled out my small intestines and looked them over for signs of Crohn's. He then put all of that back in and proceeded to remove all five feet of my large intestines and almost all of my rectum. Just enough was left to attach my J Pouch later. The loose end of my small bowel was formed into a reservoir shaped like a "J" and that was attached to what was left of my rectum. A portion of my small intestines much closer to the stomach was then disconnected from the rest and rerouted out through my abdomen at a stoma site so nothing would pass to the J Pouch while it healed. I was then stapled shut. All that shit hurts. The incision hurt. The stoma site hurt. The internal pain hurt. I felt like I got run over. Getting gutted is no joke. I just looked through my post op pics. I remember thinking my scar was so intense. In one year I almost forget it's there. But I don't hide it.

From being stapled shut after surgery---->
40 staples

Early scar, about 2 weeks post op after staples came out --->

Two days ago on World IBD Day.

I remember wondering if it was going to look like train tracks forever.
One year ago was the end of one long battle that changed me, crushed a lot of my spirit, messed with my self esteem, altered my body image, made me fear food, and made me doubt what I can do. It has been a very different type of battle this year, especially my time with an ostomy. There were nights I struggled and cried and said I couldn't do it. Hubs would say, "Well, it's too late. You have to. They can't put your colon back in now". My post surgical pain only ever came close to my UC flare pain the first few days post op. By the time I was home my flare pain put my recovery to shame.'
I still struggle. I will never be normal. Some days are worse than others. Some days are so great I forget I'm missing a major organ. Other days I swear I don't know how I can live this way. In terms of having colitis, no I technically don't have it anymore since Ulcerative colitis is only in the colon. But I struggle. My life is impacted everyday by this change in my anatomy. There are some foods I'll never eat again. There are other foods I just can't say no to and I pay for it for almost two days. I may have issues forever. They will never compare to a flare but regardless, they are there. My scar tissue pain has finally started subsiding. My fear that I have Crohn's and not UC is slowly fading as time goes on. I still have symptoms I am dealing with daily that keep me on alert. I can dehydrate very quickly and some days I get lightheaded fast because of it. I spent my first day out in the heat the other day and it didn't go so well. It hit me fast. Summers will be a continuous effort to stay hydrated and keep myself from blacking out. My absorption probably isn't the best and when my levels drop I feel it pretty quickly. I don't want to say I may have limitations forever. I hope not. I hate that thought and I hate when my body holds me back and betrays me. I don't want to be afraid to go for a bike ride. Or wonder if my spasms will shackle me for the day, or keep me up all night. I can only take it and it comes and play the hand I'm dealt. Being back at work part time has already been impacted by it. I hate that. I don't like feeling like maybe I can't hold up my end because my stupid body has other plans. It's hard. It hurts. It frustrates me and creates a lot of self doubt. Hoping that will lessen as time goes by.
 Anyway- Happy one year to me being colonless and getting to tell my story. Thanks everyone for being supportive and reading and sharing. Love to all.
XO from one gutsy broad. =-)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WEGO health Writing day #30- I slacked big time. A day late....

Yesterday's prompt--- Today, write a recap of your experience. What was your favorite prompt? Least favorite? What have you learned? Or describe your HAWMC experience in one word!

I tried. I really did. Between starting back to work, school homework, kids etc... I can't believe I managed to do 14 out of 30. I think that's a pretty good average.
Some days I knew what I wanted to write but didn't have the time, or the energy to get it done. Some days I just plain forgot I had it going on.
I like Day 7, 9 and 19.
Here are the links to them.....




I've been really realizing the last few weeks how much impact my daily symptoms have on my life. I've been struggling with spasms STILL. The Flexeril and Valium barely keep them limited enough so I can function but I have had some days recently that a double dose didn't help. I went back to work and from day #1 my body is retaliating. Pain. Spasms. I can smile and fake it through most of my pain and discomfort now. I've had lots of practice.
Today I feel worn out. Just completely run down. It's a flashback feeling I don't like at all. I could just lay in bed all day. I'm working 5-10pm today so something has to give or it'll be a long rough night.
The frustration of feeling like I'm at the mercy of my stupid body that won't get it's act together is indescribable. I HATE it. The broken sleep is killing me. Being awake from 3-430 in the morning KILLS me. It's nightly. I'm tired(ha!) of it. My brain wants to wake up and go for a run. My body wants to stay in the fetal position in PJs all day long. I'm upset. I'm pissed. I'm annoyed. I'm fed up. I went for an MRI yesterday to see if there is anything the inconclusive $700 CT scan missed. For $700 it should have come to clean my bathrooms too. So now we wait. I should have results by tomorrow. I'm losing blood. Daily. It's not much but ANY puts me in panic mode. I definitely haven't hit anemic mode or anything because I know that feeling all too well. I can function like it ain't no thang at a 7 hemoglobin when normal is around 14. Sick girl. Ugh.
Also the self esteem is at an all time rock bottom low lately. I hate what I see. Oddly, my scars are the last thing I'm dissatisfied with!! it's everything else. I'm just weak. And look like shit. I'm tired. I'm out of shape. I feel like I've aged 10 years in the last 4. Chronic pain and illness will do that I suppose.
Anyway, enough of my sobbing.
Have a good day everyone. My semester is winding down. Having a mental battle about what to do about school. On the fence about continuing. I need a nap. Or a drink. Whatever.