Friday, May 18, 2012

Good Friday

Howdy Ho Buckaroos... The weekend is here!!! Most of you are hoping it drags by and Monday never comes, but I'm sorry but I may screw your plans because I'm all about Monday!!! Today was actually a great day. My pain was pretty sporadic and I made it through lunch with only one interruption.
I slept like shit because of the pain so 8am came early when Daughter #1's dad dropped her off. I swear I was so tired I couldn't put a sentence together. I get that foggy tired that is VERY close to the hangover fog. I hate it because it's the hangover without the balls to wall fun of the night before. VERY, VERY lame.
So Daughter #1 BEGGED me to go down to the pool this morning. Ugh. I knew it would be pointless because although it's been really warm, our nights are still in the 70s and there's no way the pool was warm enough. I sucked it up b/c I'm going to be hesitant to swim with my ostomy at first, and will probably be insecure about it.
I busted out the swimsuits..mind you I am basically albino. I decided to take a pic of myself to remember my unscarred belly that I generally loathe. In a few days I will miss it. I also took a pic because I wish I had documented my weight fluctuation over the course of my disease. In the last 3+ years I've gone from 98lbs to 39 weeks pregnant. It's been quite the journey. Couple that with some massive weight gain from steroids, I'm surprised my body isn't completely morphed.
Well, here's my pic... I can not believe I'm posting this. I truly have no shame left. ;-)

Yes- I need some color. The sad part is this is AFTER a few applications of that lotion that gradually makes you more tan and an application of straight self tanner. I think I need more blood! Hee hee.
The pool was a fail. Water too cold. Fortunately, Daughter #1 and I met some friends for lunch nearby and I enjoyed some mexican food and got a little sun chatting with a great friend who I can be brutally honest with and listens. She's wonderful. I'm grateful I met her out here. Relocating in your 30s can be really tough. Add that to being sick, not working and it proves VERY difficult to meet people.
So, I'm currently home hanging out, doing some mental prep for the next few days. I'm more concerned about the stupid bowel prep I need to do Sunday than the surgery. I'm so weird.
Tomorrow is World IBD(Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Day. My family and I are walking for the CCFA to raise money for awareness and to facilitate more research for a cure. I hope I can make it. No, I WILL make it. For me, and for everyone, especially the younger people and little kids that struggle. They are stronger than I am in more ways than one.
 The blood I got definitely gave me an energy boost, but I can't deny the fatigue from my crappy sleep patterns. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I promised Daughter #1 we can go to 5 Guys for burgers which is fine by me because I am all about eating off limit foods this week. Still deciding on my last supper. I think 5 Guys may be a good way to go out!!
have a great night.... I'm off to pull some stuff for my hospital bag. Yippee!!!

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