Friday, April 19, 2013

WEGO Health challenge Day #18- Forgiveness.

Today’s Prompt:
  • Write about a time that you lashed out at someone close to you because of frustration/fear/anger resulting from your health condition and you wish you could take it back. Forgive yourself and let it go.
  • On the flip side, write about a time that someone said something to you that they wished they could take back. Did you forgive them? Why or why not?

This is tough. I'm sure there have been MANY moments over the last few years that my Husband and family have been sick of me. I've been depressed at time, moody, crabby, bitchy, intolerant, and impatient. 
It's hard to say I want to take it back because I was dealing with it as it was coming at me. Sometimes I handled it well, others not so. I can't be angry at myself for reacting to some of the horrible, painful things I have been through. My family and friends know how hard my struggle has been. I doubt any of them think, "Wow Lisa was such a bitch while she was bleeding to death from her UC flare". Yeah- I know they know I held in a lot. There were days I pretended I was fine for them to find out later I was in pain and miserable. I tried to shield them from my bitterness and rage whenever I could. Especially while on Prednisone which made me a lunatic. 
So I guess I've forgiven myself in a way because I never held it against myself to begin with.

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