Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just some bitching.. I'm fired up!

I'm feeling crabby today so I'm going to do some bitching.

First of all, got a second denial letter from SSDI. It is a good thing they aren't a bank because you'd never be able to withdraw your own money. Once again they said that in all the time I was sick, being hospitalized, on tons of meds, getting blood transfusions, in severe pain, in the bathroom 20+ times a day, and requiring an entire organ to be removed, I should have had no problem maintaining FT work. And as long as I was following my doctors orders I was A okay. My doctor's orders weren't working, which is why the doctor's decided I needed to be gutted. Soooooo.... Riiiiggghhhtttttt... Delusional mother F*ckers. Mind you, I'm not applying for open ended disability. My attorney is seeking a closed window payment of the time I could not work from my first hospitalization until when I recover from this last surgery. I am well aware that I will be healthy enough to work after my recovery. In fact, you bureaucratic assholes, I welcome it. But don't tell me that I could have been working all this time no problem. I couldn't have and I didn't. But it's fine... you just hang on to MY MONEY that I have been paying into since I was 16 when I got my first job. You know, paying into it in case I ever need it. Like RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! Yes, instead keep denying now we need to appeal it, and go to court and take up court time and government employee time to go to court. That sounds like a much more efficient plan than JUST GIVING ME A SHORT TERM stipend of MY MONEY because I was/is unable to work due to a disease. Healthy people do not need organs removed in order to improve their life and thrive. AARRGHHHH...... So irritated. Seriously. HEADS UP THEIR ASSES.

My second rant comes a discussions going on in a Facebook group I'm in for Crohn's/Colitis. Basically it's discussing how people think they can give advice on how we IBD'ers can 'cure' ourselves and get rid of our symptoms. Now, that being said, we all know the average person is basically uninformed about general biology. The reason I make that statement is because it is proven to me again and again on a daily basis. People are ignorant. If they weren't, companies wouldn't be making millions of dollars off of people for quick gimmick weight loss pills/diets, or fat burning cream you rub on at night. Yeah, your body just doesn't work that way. So, how is it, that the average person suddenly becomes a digestive expert when you have IBD? Hmmmm.... that's weird? Oh, I need to lose weight and my disease will go away? Oh, I need to exercise more and my disease will go away? Oh, I need to watch my diet and my disease will go away? Such an interesting school of thought. But, ahh no. My disease went away when they TOOK THE DISEASED ORGAN OUT!!!!!!! People- keep your mouths shut about shit you know nothing about. You are not well read on autoimmune diseases (and NO they are NOT the same thing as AIDS so that's a great response when I tell you I have an autoimmune disease. Clever). Go back to being experts on the Kardashians, and 'Toddlers and Tiaras'. My GI spent years trying to get my disease under control with no success. But suddenly, you, who probably doesn't know the first thing about how your colon works, is going to give advice on my illness. The illness I'm living with, and have spent countless days reading and researching what was going on with my body. Reading about and trying every drug out there, who's side effects generally are worse than me dealing with UC. Yes, I'm sure if I ate more veggies I'd be swell. Too bad roughage is like the archenemy of IBD. But thanks! I'll consider your suggestion of green leafy veggies that will tear the shit out of my insides and make me run to the bathroom in 20 minutes where I will spend 3 days bleeding out my ass from your salad suggestion. Yes, by all means, preach it. It might work. Doubtful. You know what WOULD work?! If you listened to what an IBD'er is saying. If you didn't cut them off and say you understand b/c Taco Bell makes you shit your brains out. And maybe, just maybe, if you gave half a shit, you'd do some reading. Get some general knowledge about the human body. It is actually quite helpful to know how your body works, sick or not. But hey, what do I know. I just live it.

That is all.. I had more but I'm too crabby to even listen to myself rant. Maybe I should take that leftover Valium from my hypaque enema. Still having weird discomfort from that a week later. Discomfort is the wrong word.... How can I put this simply..... my ass hurts. Bad. You people with your anal sex are completely out of your effin mind. You must be masochists. Seriously. OMG.
Ugh--- ok, I'm sick of myself right now. Thanks for listening and sorry for the potty mouth today. I try to hide my sailor language tendencies online, but today it wasn't happening.
On the positive I got my haircut yesterday and I feel like a million bucks. Maybe 2 mill.
Cheers everyone.


  1. I could not agree more about the "diet snobs" as I call them. That kind of shit, always has and always will make me furious. Its my opinion anyone who can help their IBD with diet...has a mild case. The rest of us...well...we find other ways to help out IBD. And I'll take my surgery any day over the bullshit diets they keep pushing on us. Rant on!

    1. I know- there are people that have gone Gluten Free, SCD etc... and I'm happy it's working to CONTROL their symptoms and hold off flaring, but in no way are they cured. It's there. Just not active.

  2. YOU GO GIRL!!!! I am having the same day today!!! I am so upset today I can barely type, so thank YOU for summing up how I feel!!!!!

    Charlina Patterson

    1. No worries-- I will speak for the IBD masses!!! UNITE!!

  3. Head up their asses? I was so teary this morning and then mad after that, but this blog summed it up so well. And now a half a day later I can re-read this again and feel good to have people like you in my corner. ANNNNND I feel like I have learned from this. Learned to be careful how I say things to others, and learned not to be to critical of those who say (stupid) stuff to me. Most people do have good intentions and "think" they are trying to help. Also education is the key to understanding and accepting, and I have a lot of educating myself and others in my life to do.
