Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Day in the Life....(one of my fave Beatles songs BTW)

Here are a bunch of random thoughts that have whizzed through my head today, in no particular order.

I need to blog. I need a pedicure. I miss working. I wish I was an editor. How do I get paid to blog? How do I get paid to shop? #1 is so stinking adorable I hope I never forget how cute she is. Hubs leg locked me and really hurt my shin. I need 53 right answers out of 70 to get an A in this class. Why did she bring donuts? This girl is so annoying I hope I never see her again. Yeah, right honey, he hasn't noticed you lost your engagement ring. Liar. I want to be a runner. It's too hot to run. Do any men read my blog? Shit, my home nurse comes in 15 minutes and the whole house is asleep. I should get a nose job. I should get lash extensions. I need a vacation. I'm going to grow my bangs out. I love my bangs. When did my hair get so thin? I need some Panera soup. I could take an all day nap and be ok. She always looks cute at 8am. I should use the gym at school. I need a tan. I like being pale. I should take #1 to the pool. Is #1 ever going to just listen and not debate everything? Holy shit she pisses me off. The dogs stink. I don't want to make dinner. Sure, grilled sausages are easy enough. I need to grow my hair out to do cute hair stuff. My hair looks better short. I should run early before it gets hot.  I can't believe I just forgot I have an ostomy and a bag. Thank god this class is over. This song is horrible. I feel ugly. My skin looks awesome. Maybe I'll win the lottery. Is there a mirror shortage in people's houses? Maybe I'll be a Paralegal. I always wanted to go to law school. I love Pinterest. I wish I was super crafty. I'm so boring. I need new clothes. My hair is so thin it's ridiculous. I need to start using my camera again. This heat sucks. I want to live by the beach. I want to go to the beach. I want a new tattoo. I'm getting old. My car is filthy. I should change my wafer. I should go shopping.  I kill every plant I own. Time to pull the dead rose bush. It's too hot to pull the dead rose bush. If I back into the neighbors trash cans and knock them over will they get the hint and bring them in? I need to read some Sherlock Holmes. I need some new pics of Violet at a year old. I love Pepsi. People should learn to spell. People should learn to drive. So happy to be home. My eyebrows look good. I love the Beastie Boys. Maybe I can be famous for no reason like all these no talent ass clowns. Mat is cute. I have bingo arm. I live on the surface of the sun. I'm pretty good at painting my nails. #1 is walking like an elephant up there. This headache won't stop. I need a girl's night pronto. I should go shopping for jeans. I can't wear jeans, it's 100 degrees out. I need to mail these books to Janelle. I'm an idiot. I'm a genius. What else can I sell on ebay? Oh good, the nurse can come tomorrow. Shut your dog up! I love Twitter. Hubs cracks me up. They forgot the lemon. Free soup tastes better than $5 soup. I'll make a list later of errands to run tomorrow. Morons!
My head is seriously going to explode. I love my Ray-Bans. Why is my effin head so small. #1's headband fits perfectly. I can not believe how thin my hair got. I'm going to need a wig. I should cut it off. WTF am I good at, seriously? I need gas already? I think I'm going to lose my mind. I don't get what Tumblr is. I love Instagram. Those meds jacked me up. I'm sick of being so rundown and weak. I hate what sickness did to my body. Why do they only make cool cases for iphones? I miss patio drinking. Shit, is that a canker sore? Shit. I'm starving. I ate way too much. I love bread. I wish it would rain again today. I could never have a car without a sunroof. I took one class and got an A. It's a 4.0! I need new underwear. I feel so lazy. This scar isn't so bad. Kinda looks like a worm. Violet walks like a drunk monkey. Do people still listen to the radio in the car? Why is this child obsessed with electrical cords. I'm so obnoxious. I'm so hilarious. Parking ramps freak me out. It's only 537? I'm so tired...... ;-)


  1. oh my god...did you read my brain??? I swear to goodness this is my brain every single day!
    As for the hair mine got so thin that I looked like I was a dude with a comb over; so I shaved it. I rock some awesome head bands, wraps, and hats these days.

    1. Glad that I'm not the only one with a rambling head!
      You can rock anything with confidence!! Good for you!

  2. "Do any men read my blog? " Yes. Excellent blog. I had a mild form of UC that was controlled with meds for many years. My colon lasted until 4 years ago and I now have a j-pouch. It's not great but better than nothing. I had to live with the ostomy for 8 months before take-down. BTW there is an excellent support site for anyone facing these surgeries:
