Thursday, August 16, 2012

So Giddy!! Kinda...

Well, well- I saw my surgeon today. Good news! We are moving ahead with the enema thing(if enemas can be good news), to check if my j pouch healed correctly and there are no issues. I'm very anxious and stressed about it, not gonna lie. Someone giving you an enema is not pleasant. It out right sucks. IBD sucks because it's generally a part of some treatment plans, or in my case, was needed when I was admitted and required a scope ASAP. No time to prep!! I'd take prep over a forced water enema while bleeding, and in pain ANYDAY!!!
So, as exciting as that is because it's one step closer to my reversal, it is still horrifying. Don't worry. I got my 5mg Valium script all ready to go to calm me the eff down. So, assuming everything is just swell in my newly, custom built 'semi-colon', we are on to scheduling surgery!! Humpty Dumpty Lisa is going to get put back together. Rock on!
Ideally, he'll be able to fit me into his schedule the first week of September so I can travel sans bag and not deal with the TSA(I have a previous blog about this concern).  Let's get real...there's no way that's going to happen. He's pretty busy. If I can't have surgery that first week than it will be after my trip. It won't kill me to wait, but I was looking forward to traveling without all my ostomy gear, in addition to, two kids. It would have been a nice early birthday present to be put back together!
So I haven't blogged in a bit as summer is winding down. Trying to fit some stuff in now that it's not 105 everyday. The 90s feel refreshing! Have had some great T storms. I never liked rain until I moved here. I love when it absolutely pours!
Here was the sunset the other night through the storm clouds.

It was a pretty cool sky. One of these nights I'll pull the serious camera out and try to catch some lightening. I swear.
It's so nice to feel 'normal'. My surgeon today said I looked so healthy. I feel healthy. I went for a walk/run the other morning. I seriously almost died. Full on respiratory failure pushing a jogging stroller. I'm such an out of shape fatty. I hurt for two days. It was *awesome*.  Once the next surgery is done I need to get on track.
I'm already stressed about my trip to NY. Vacation shouldn't be stressful leading up to it. I don't know where we are staying. Carseat and #2 sleeping arrangements are still up in the air. No plans are made. I have very little time to fit in what I want to do and who I want to see. STRESSED. Something's not right with that scenario. Hoping it all works out and comes together. I'm a planner. I can't stand not knowing what's going on. Makes me nuts.
We went to the pool the other morning before it got too hot (that might not make sense to a lot of people but 100 degrees is too hot to swim. Seriously). It was nice. #2 loves the water. Was testing out what # can do because I'm taking her to try out for the McKinney swim club. It's the one activity she really really enjoys and she's pretty good so I need to move on it. She's gotten LAZY! It's obnoxious.
Here's me at the pool, rocking my ostomy bag, decorated and in your face!!
It's amazing what a little zebra print duck tape will do! ;-) I am pasty looking... but I'm actually tan. Luckily I'm not anemic anymore because I can't afford to lose anymore color!
Ok, I'm off to watch a movie with my man.
Be confident. Don't let the little things get you down. Give yourself some credit and be your own cheerleader.
And to all the young(er) girls--- you are not fat. You are not ugly. One day when you are *old* and 34 like me, you will wonder when you got fine lines and why in the world you hated your body when you were 20! Enjoy it. Life is good. You're too young to hate what you see in the mirror. Love yourself or no one will love you like you deserve to be loved.
That's all. I'm out.

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