Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ostomy, Travel, and the Ever Questionable TSA.

I have a flight booked to go to NY in September to visit family and friends. It's also my Gram's 90th bday. I'm leaving the end of September so me getting my reversal done really is of the essence. If I can't the time won't put me off as much as the knowledge that I will have to deal with the TSA with an ostomy. I have started researching and reading to see where their boundaries lay and to see what kinds of instances pop up with them being outside of their rights. It really has me on edge, primarily for my return flight as I will be flying alone with a 7 year old and a 1 year old. The last thing I need is them pulling me to the side and messing with me and my stupid stoma. I have seriously begun running scenarios in my head. Almost as if practicing responses and what not. Anyone ever do that??
Trust me, I have read what they can't do and if they attempt I will probably end up on the no fly list!! I know I could be stressing myself out for nothing but it's just something I have to prepare for. As of this moment, all I know, is that I will still have my ileostomy. So I am planning accordingly. I found a couple of good sites and of course the TSA site that states their boundaries. Naturally, I have also found the horror stories of them causing bag leaks, demanding people undressing, asking to examine in the bag and the stoma.... Those did not help my frame of mind.
Travelling with kids is stressful enough without this additional worry. And like I said, I will be taking one leg of the trip alone with two kids. I don't even know how I'm going to carry and manage gear much less deal with a TSA agent trying to molest my stoma! I'm the only one that can mess with my stoma. Even my surgeon hasn't seen it in months!!
Ugh- STRESS! And seriously for no reason. Hoping for some good news regarding letdown surgery in the next few weeks. Maybe all this worry is for nothing. Ideally that will be the case. What's that saying- Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Yep- that's all me. I'm apparently planning defensive tactics in the event Lisa Vs TSA. Lisa always wins! ;-)

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