PHEW!! Here I am.. so completely late with a post but after I got back from our Spring Break trip to Florida, school went into overdrive and I had no time at all. School has been a killer. Rethinking my options and coming up with a Plan B. I am just not intuitively a "science person". I am struggling. Big time. What I want to do and what I'm cut out to do don't seem to be meshing very well. It is such a vigorous and competitive program, it's unreal. Lots of frustration. It's making me crazy!
I had load of work due right before break that was just overwhelming. I was so happy to have class end that Thursday and was looking forward to flying to Florida for a few days and have no stress, no agenda. Sounds perfect, right? Too good to be true? Well, duh. Naturally!!
Me with the girls on the plane----->
We got into Daytona Beach on Friday and had a great weekend. It was a bit colder than I like but we got to the beach and everything was going great. I rocked a bikini with my scars and my near death skin tone. Exhibit A--->

Then Monday hit. The 19 month old was exploding out of both ends. No fever. Super clingy and barfing so I was in luck and she was puking all over me. After being covered in crap and poop for about 24 hours, I basically was just waiting for me to get it. How could I avoid a virus that I was essentially covered in? I hoped it would pass quickly for Daughter #2 and skip me so we could have the last day or so of a nice vacay. Hahahahahahahaah, YEAH RIGHT!!! I got it. Bad. D #2's had stopped by Tuesday morning for the most part. I was still feeling A-OK Tuesday evening. Then 1am hit and the queasiness started. Awesome. I laid there just hoping it would pass. Maybe I ate too much. Anything. Nope. By 2am I was a wreck. Violently throwing up and running for the john. Sometimes simultaneously. I know. Isn't that a great visual. You're welcome. =)
By 7am I found out my mom had it too. By 730am I was seeing spots and could barely stand up. Let's keep in mind I have no colon, which is your water, salt and electrolyte absorber. So I'm already prone to dehydration on a good day. The Norovirus explosions were killing me. If I took one sip of Gatorade, I would throw it right up. It wasn't looking good. After years of being malnourished, dehydrated and anemic, I know when I need medical attention and when I'm within seconds of blacking out. It's not even a scary feeling anymore. Being a chronically ill person makes you weird. But I digress. Let's keep in mind that I was supposed to fly out at 230p. Doubtful. So a plan was made for me to get IV fluids and my Hubs back in TX was calling Delta to find out how to change my flight due to medical reasons. I was so out of it I couldn't form a comprehensive thought. HORRIBLE. Luckily my mom works for a primary care doctor who does IVs at the office so they awesomely fit me in during their lunch hour to top off my fluids. My BP was 84/62 and resting HR 119. None of which is a good thing combined. So yeah- and naturally my crap ass veins coupled with the dehydration made it so it took 5 sticks and an hour to even get the IV in. I was hurting. Those of you with good veins should feel lucky. Having someone dig around in a vein to get it hurts like a BITCH. Not to mention the sweet junkie bruises that get left behind. I had some tears of frustration, not going to lie. I get so pissed off at times like that. The simplest thing like getting an IV threaded turns into a hour long nightmare.
I was having horrible cramps and spasms which led my brain into a spiral of fear because it felt like I was flaring again. Freaked me out. I was really upset. Laying there that day does nothing but solidify the fact that I'll never be "NORMAL". I will always be fighting and battling something because my body is down one major organ. My anatomy is forever altered which brings on it's own set of bullshit problems. Anyone looking at me would never guess my internal issues. I'm sure people rolled their eyes that I needed fluids that easily. Whatever. I'm over what people think. That 24 hour Norovirus knocked me down for easily a week. Even going on two weeks later, my spasms are continuing worse than before and I am hurting. I've upped my muscle relaxers and got more pain pills from my surgeon who I happened to see the day after I got back. All from that stupid virus. I joked that I didn't even puke that much on Spring Break in college. Seriously. Nasty business. If you don't know much about it, I'm including a link my Hubs found. It's a very smart virus. Too smart. My oldest daughter never got sick, but Hubs did a few days after I got home. Misery.
Here's the link--->>>>
It's a very interesting read and scary all at once. These tiny little bastards could wipe us out if they wanted to.
Here are some pics from the trip before everyone started hurling. Enjoy and thanks for reading! XO
PHEW!! Here I am.. so completely late with a post but after I got back from our Spring Break trip to Florida, school went into overdrive and I had no time at all. School has been a killer. Rethinking my options and coming up with a Plan B. I am just not intuitively a "science person". I am struggling. Big time. What I want to do and what I'm cut out to do don't seem to be meshing very well. It is such a vigorous and competitive program, it's unreal. Lots of frustration. It's making me crazy!
I had load of work due right before break that was just overwhelming. I was so happy to have class end that Thursday and was looking forward to flying to Florida for a few days and have no stress, no agenda. Sounds perfect, right? Too good to be true? Well, duh. Naturally!!
Me with the girls on the plane----->
We got into Daytona Beach on Friday and had a great weekend. It was a bit colder than I like but we got to the beach and everything was going great. I rocked a bikini with my scars and my near death skin tone. Exhibit A--->

Then Monday hit. The 19 month old was exploding out of both ends. No fever. Super clingy and barfing so I was in luck and she was puking all over me. After being covered in crap and poop for about 24 hours, I basically was just waiting for me to get it. How could I avoid a virus that I was essentially covered in? I hoped it would pass quickly for Daughter #2 and skip me so we could have the last day or so of a nice vacay. Hahahahahahahaah, YEAH RIGHT!!! I got it. Bad. D #2's had stopped by Tuesday morning for the most part. I was still feeling A-OK Tuesday evening. Then 1am hit and the queasiness started. Awesome. I laid there just hoping it would pass. Maybe I ate too much. Anything. Nope. By 2am I was a wreck. Violently throwing up and running for the john. Sometimes simultaneously. I know. Isn't that a great visual. You're welcome. =)
By 7am I found out my mom had it too. By 730am I was seeing spots and could barely stand up. Let's keep in mind I have no colon, which is your water, salt and electrolyte absorber. So I'm already prone to dehydration on a good day. The Norovirus explosions were killing me. If I took one sip of Gatorade, I would throw it right up. It wasn't looking good. After years of being malnourished, dehydrated and anemic, I know when I need medical attention and when I'm within seconds of blacking out. It's not even a scary feeling anymore. Being a chronically ill person makes you weird. But I digress. Let's keep in mind that I was supposed to fly out at 230p. Doubtful. So a plan was made for me to get IV fluids and my Hubs back in TX was calling Delta to find out how to change my flight due to medical reasons. I was so out of it I couldn't form a comprehensive thought. HORRIBLE. Luckily my mom works for a primary care doctor who does IVs at the office so they awesomely fit me in during their lunch hour to top off my fluids. My BP was 84/62 and resting HR 119. None of which is a good thing combined. So yeah- and naturally my crap ass veins coupled with the dehydration made it so it took 5 sticks and an hour to even get the IV in. I was hurting. Those of you with good veins should feel lucky. Having someone dig around in a vein to get it hurts like a BITCH. Not to mention the sweet junkie bruises that get left behind. I had some tears of frustration, not going to lie. I get so pissed off at times like that. The simplest thing like getting an IV threaded turns into a hour long nightmare.
I was having horrible cramps and spasms which led my brain into a spiral of fear because it felt like I was flaring again. Freaked me out. I was really upset. Laying there that day does nothing but solidify the fact that I'll never be "NORMAL". I will always be fighting and battling something because my body is down one major organ. My anatomy is forever altered which brings on it's own set of bullshit problems. Anyone looking at me would never guess my internal issues. I'm sure people rolled their eyes that I needed fluids that easily. Whatever. I'm over what people think. That 24 hour Norovirus knocked me down for easily a week. Even going on two weeks later, my spasms are continuing worse than before and I am hurting. I've upped my muscle relaxers and got more pain pills from my surgeon who I happened to see the day after I got back. All from that stupid virus. I joked that I didn't even puke that much on Spring Break in college. Seriously. Nasty business. If you don't know much about it, I'm including a link my Hubs found. It's a very smart virus. Too smart. My oldest daughter never got sick, but Hubs did a few days after I got home. Misery.
Here's the link--->>>>
It's a very interesting read and scary all at once. These tiny little bastards could wipe us out if they wanted to.
Here are some pics from the trip before everyone started hurling. Enjoy and thanks for reading! XO
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