Thursday, October 18, 2012

My trip to the 716...

I can not believe I didn't blog about my trip in NY!!!
Wow- I must be losing it. Or lost it already. Whatever.
I had a really great time. NO issues with the TSA. I even put out a challenge by wearing my 'Ask me about my Ostomy' tshirt.

Nothing. was definitely a positive way to start the trip.
I was so worried about having issues with a body scanner or whatever and I didn't go through one at all. I don't think. Hmmm.. I was pretty distracted with all my gear, the stroller, Violet, taking shoes off etc... that I guess I didn't notice. I tend to get way worked up about stuff and then find out it was overkill. I guess I'd rather plan for the worst than get blindsided.
I spent most of my time with family. Saw my Gram a lot and her party was so much fun. I spent way too much time gabbing with people I hadn't seen and  didn't get in enough pics or take enough pics and I'm kicking myself. I tend to do that sometimes. I need to learn to shut up.
I made sure to get Tim Horton's coffee daily, I ate a lot of kick ass pizza that I am already craving, and had homemade sauce and meatballs three different days!!! Can't beat that.
My kids had a ball, especially Dillan. She was loving every minute with my female teenage cousins. She's ready to be 16 and it's scary. She loved her time with Sarina, Miranda and Alissa.
It was a really great time. I was really sad to leave everyone. I grew up really close with my cousins Toni and Marisa.The two of them and my sister and me were all the same ages and spent a lot of time together. Went to the same high school.  Your cousins are your first friends... glad I have them and we are still relatively close even living far away.
I was there 6 days which always seems like a lot until you are trying to fit people in, and go do this, see this etc... I probably needed ten. I had so much time until I had none. There were some people I didn't get much time with as schedules are crazy. Ten days may work a bit better next time.
I got to spend the day with my best friend on her birthday with all our girls. We had a fun outing at a pumpkin farm where chaos ensued as it always does with us. Then we tortured the diners at my favorite Greek restaurant with us and our five girls. Hahahaha.... I love seeing Dillan with Janelle's oldest Jillian. They are a year apart and are us. Seriously. They haven't seen each other in two years and were off together in 5 minutes like they were never apart. I absolutely love it!! It's those moments I miss and wish I could get back there more. It's just such a financial fee to fly my two kids and me to Buffalo. And then I need a rental car. I need to worry about who has the room to board us. I hate feeling like I am inconveniencing anyone. It was really great staying at my Aunt's though. She was wonderful and I had a great time talking and spending time with her.
I could never imagine living back there though. I can't handle the cold anymore. It is so beautiful in the fall so I'm glad we went when we did. I'm going to try to plan something maybe for the summer. I love my family, and miss them. It's important to me that my kids has time with them and have them in their lives even if we are 1500 miles away!
Violet was perfect on the flight home. Traveling with the girls by myself was a lot easier that I imagined. It helped that we had an empty seat with us the whole way back so Miss VIP got her own seat to sit in. Worked out perfectly!!
The ostomy was pretty well behaved. Weird that I no longer have it. All the Italian food made my nights a bit uncomfortable as those damn acidic tomatoes had me up a few times a night. I shared a room with the girls and OMG I barely slept. Violet snores, and Dillan talks in her her sleep. That meant I was a tired, hag every single day I was there. By the time I got back and went into the hospital the next day, I was ready for a nap!!
I think I finally finished laundry and unpacking from the trip a few days ago. Between going in the hospital the day after we returned and then recovery, I realized it had been a while since we got back and I never even blogged about it! Here are some pics. Missing everyone already!
 My girls having pizza down my the river in Lewiston.

 My girls and me with my cousins and my Gramma at her party. Missing my sister.

 The girls on the plane on the way back to Dallas. Southwest was so good to us.

 At the pumpkin patch. Love fall in WNY.

My cousins Toni, Marisa, Dom and me. Miss these hang outs.