Looky looky- 2 weeks post OP. Somehow it seems longer than that but at the same time I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks. Maybe because I'm bored from "taking it easy" and laying around popping pain meds. My days are a bit hazy. It's been an interesting few days. For starters, I had a security breach with my bag at around 445am early Sunday morning. OMG was that only yesterday? It feels like 4 days ago. Anyway- woke up just in time to save a huge mess from happening in bed. I'm making myself sick over here. I had a leak under the adhesive on my wafer. I'm pretty sure it's because the seal is compromised from the staples and the scabbing that is occurring. I just can't get the adhesive to stay put 100%. The staples are kind of lifting so it's wreaking havoc on my system that was going so well. Barf.
Anyway, jumped out of bed and in between gagging and crying, peeled the wafer off my belly. I took a staple with it, but oh well. It hurt like a bitch. And the area around my stoma is so raw. The staples are so ugly. So at 5am I decided to do a photo shoot in my bathroom. Here's what I'm working with people. Hide your children's eyes-------->

It's pretty brutal. I haven't counted the staples and for some reason I am obsessed with how many there are. It just looks deformed in general from them digging around in there. Basically, they went in and pulled my small intestines out and shuffled them around looking for signs of Crohns. When there was no sign of Crohns disease, they put it back and proceeded to cut out the large intestines. I have this weird sunken area now. I guess things will eventually settle back but it's just weird. I'm missing 5 feet of my insides. That has to in some way affect the physiology outside, right?! And my poor belly button. I'll be lucky if it survives. You can see the outline of the adhesive square that attaches to the bag. It covers a pretty big area of the staples and my entire belly button.
There's the red, meaty stoma I was talking about in a previous post. That is actually a bit of my small intestines. For how red it is, that doesn't hurt because there are no nerve endings. What is awful, is the red, raw skin around the stoma and the area that the stoma is stitched to my skin. The black is the sutures that haven't disolved yet. It hurts about as much as you can imagine it does. I'm hoping once the staples are out, things will improve a bit and not look so gruesome.
Me 'taking it easy' is like torture. The littlest outing and I am hurting big time. We picked my dad up from the airport yesterday and stopped at Panera afterwards. They have the best soup. Lemon Chicken Orzo. To die for. Try it if you can!
Anyway- that minor outing and I ended up passing out for about 2 hours. Completely wiped out. The pain has definitely dropped tremendously, but when I do something, walk around for a while, or even put laundry away I am thankful for my friendly little pain killers. Pain creeps up out of no where just when I think I may go the whole day without needing anything. That day is soon, as for the most part I can suck it up. But I have my moments. I would much rather be taking meds to help with healing pain, than taking them just to sleep through the night, or get through my day because my cramping, joint pain and UC pain is so bad. So regardless of pain and whatnot I've got, I'm still better off.
I'll be happy when I can run around and finally feel 'normal' again. It's going to be great. I can't wait to ride my new bike. It's amazing how you miss so many things that are generally taken for granted. =(
Bonus is I have Shady Al to chauffer me around for another 7 days. I'm sure I'm going to drive him nuts.
Today he got to take me to Target and get blood work done. Tomorrow he gets to take me to the surgeon to get the staples out. He's going to be thrilled I'm sure! Wooo Hoooo!!!! What a lucky guy!
Sorry to freak everyone out with the FrankenBelly. The nice thing is you can't see a thing when I'm out and about in the world. ----->
I'm making dinner tonight for the first time since I went 'under the knife'. I'm sure I'll be hurting later, but I need to feel somewhat normal. The worst thing! I can't eat most of what I'm making! Boo!!!! I can't wait to increase the diet.... Five Guys Burgers and Fries are calling me!! Yummy!
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12277951/?claim=75juqmu6hv7">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Looky looky- 2 weeks post OP. Somehow it seems longer than that but at the same time I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks. Maybe because I'm bored from "taking it easy" and laying around popping pain meds. My days are a bit hazy. It's been an interesting few days. For starters, I had a security breach with my bag at around 445am early Sunday morning. OMG was that only yesterday? It feels like 4 days ago. Anyway- woke up just in time to save a huge mess from happening in bed. I'm making myself sick over here. I had a leak under the adhesive on my wafer. I'm pretty sure it's because the seal is compromised from the staples and the scabbing that is occurring. I just can't get the adhesive to stay put 100%. The staples are kind of lifting so it's wreaking havoc on my system that was going so well. Barf.
Anyway, jumped out of bed and in between gagging and crying, peeled the wafer off my belly. I took a staple with it, but oh well. It hurt like a bitch. And the area around my stoma is so raw. The staples are so ugly. So at 5am I decided to do a photo shoot in my bathroom. Here's what I'm working with people. Hide your children's eyes-------->

It's pretty brutal. I haven't counted the staples and for some reason I am obsessed with how many there are. It just looks deformed in general from them digging around in there. Basically, they went in and pulled my small intestines out and shuffled them around looking for signs of Crohns. When there was no sign of Crohns disease, they put it back and proceeded to cut out the large intestines. I have this weird sunken area now. I guess things will eventually settle back but it's just weird. I'm missing 5 feet of my insides. That has to in some way affect the physiology outside, right?! And my poor belly button. I'll be lucky if it survives. You can see the outline of the adhesive square that attaches to the bag. It covers a pretty big area of the staples and my entire belly button.
There's the red, meaty stoma I was talking about in a previous post. That is actually a bit of my small intestines. For how red it is, that doesn't hurt because there are no nerve endings. What is awful, is the red, raw skin around the stoma and the area that the stoma is stitched to my skin. The black is the sutures that haven't disolved yet. It hurts about as much as you can imagine it does. I'm hoping once the staples are out, things will improve a bit and not look so gruesome.
Me 'taking it easy' is like torture. The littlest outing and I am hurting big time. We picked my dad up from the airport yesterday and stopped at Panera afterwards. They have the best soup. Lemon Chicken Orzo. To die for. Try it if you can!
Anyway- that minor outing and I ended up passing out for about 2 hours. Completely wiped out. The pain has definitely dropped tremendously, but when I do something, walk around for a while, or even put laundry away I am thankful for my friendly little pain killers. Pain creeps up out of no where just when I think I may go the whole day without needing anything. That day is soon, as for the most part I can suck it up. But I have my moments. I would much rather be taking meds to help with healing pain, than taking them just to sleep through the night, or get through my day because my cramping, joint pain and UC pain is so bad. So regardless of pain and whatnot I've got, I'm still better off.
I'll be happy when I can run around and finally feel 'normal' again. It's going to be great. I can't wait to ride my new bike. It's amazing how you miss so many things that are generally taken for granted. =(
Bonus is I have Shady Al to chauffer me around for another 7 days. I'm sure I'm going to drive him nuts.
Today he got to take me to Target and get blood work done. Tomorrow he gets to take me to the surgeon to get the staples out. He's going to be thrilled I'm sure! Wooo Hoooo!!!! What a lucky guy!
Sorry to freak everyone out with the FrankenBelly. The nice thing is you can't see a thing when I'm out and about in the world. ----->
I'm making dinner tonight for the first time since I went 'under the knife'. I'm sure I'll be hurting later, but I need to feel somewhat normal. The worst thing! I can't eat most of what I'm making! Boo!!!! I can't wait to increase the diet.... Five Guys Burgers and Fries are calling me!! Yummy!
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12277951/?claim=75juqmu6hv7">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
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