Monday, December 31, 2012

Some lasts of 2012...

Today is usually the day that a lot of people complain about how horrible this year was and they can't wait for the next. I could easily be one of those people. Instead, I think this year was awesome. I got gutted and got rid of a nasty rotting organ that was ruining my life. Many people would probably put that on their 'con' list for 2012, but not me. It is numero uno on the 'pro' list. Getting though that surgery and the following recovery feels like a huge milestone for me, not a setback. This time last year I was in such a different place physically, emotionally and mentally. Now I'm about ready for anything! Bring it on 2013.... you've got nothing. I was lucky to have been healthy enough post surgery to be able to fly to NY and celebrate my Gram's 90th birthday. I got to bring both of my girls and spend time with my best friend and her girls.  Looking back on this year I can say that I, hopefully, saw the last of the following; blood transfusions, 4 hour IV Remicade infusions, Prednisone pills, hospitalizations, blood loss, daily pain and fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, ... I could go on. There are a lot of 'lasts' from 2012. One thing that is definitely following me is my medical bills. I'm down to about $1600 on what I owe for my last Remicade infusion! I can't explain how great it is to not have my body pumped full of immunosuppressants anymore. I'm not perpetually sick! Yaaahoooo! I no longer spend time wondering what the hell all that crap was doing to me!! So great!
My husband told me last night that he is happy to finally be seeing 'me' again. That the last year and a half I've been a different person going through all of this and the last few months, little by little, I'm becoming myself again. That's the hardest part of all. Knowing that the people around you are suddenly dealing with a stranger. I'm sure Hubs had many days where he looked at me and wondered where his wife went. Oh- I know..I was either in bed, at the doctor's or in the bathroom... Living the life!! It was nice, and sad, to hear him say that to me. At least I'm bouncing back. I have big plans 2013- you hear me?? I have races to run, Anatomy classes to ace, work to find and maybe if I'm lucky, some new places to visit. For the most part, this year will be hard to top. I conquered some big hurdles. Without hesitation.
I'll be starting out 2013 by getting to write a special blog piece for another Gutsy girl's blog. I can't wait. I've almost finished with what I am submitting to her. I have to write about what makes me a gutsy girl. Keeping the entry focused and concise is tough because it's not my blog, I have so much to say and I want it to be great. I'll post the link when it's up.
So  to everyone out there who had some trying times this year, chin up... the things that challenge us and test us don't have to be negative things. We learn from them, we grow, we adapt and sway. As long as you take away from those challenges and make yourself better, they aren't negative. Let your failures and your hurdles inspire you. Drive you to do a little more, a little better. You will never have a year without hardship. It's just up to you to see them as something bigger than 'that awful thing you went through'. Don't be quick to label your challenges as horrible. Without those low moments, you can't appreciate, or even recognize the highs. Sending love to everyone this NYE. Wishing you smiles and laughs and a safe start to 2013. Catch ya on the flip side. XO

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